Friday, December 15, 2006

Heck with Iraq . . . Hell in America! Part II (by Republican Bob)

". . . what is the fate of great nations but a summation of the psychic changes in individuals."
-Carl Jung

Previously: Last time I wrote about the lack of progress the U.S. has had in stabalizing Iraq, but ultimately decided that we should only stay if we are going to do something decisive. If we just half-ass the occupation we'll have our own civil war in America- because we'll be too pre-occupied to deal with our own problems. About Iraq I keep asking- "do you have to let it linger"? to quote a terrible song by the Cranberries; and about America- I feel like Willy Loman's wife from Death of a Salesman when she says "attention must be paid." Of course, she was not referring to the downfall of American cultures, traditions, patriotism, etc. due to the influx of foreign moral relativists who are more difficult to reason with than a baby you are attempting to transition to the bassinet, with a cold, who keeps spitting out her pacifier, just as she's fallen asleep.

Examples of Ingratitude: I am tired to death of the lack of regulations on immigration- and I'm only 20 years old. The Carl Jung quote from above is quite appropriate. We are simply breeding a culture of resentment and hate beneath our very noses. We have incidents such as a meat packing plant being investigated in Worthington, MN because of the number of "undocumented workers" borrowing an American's social security number in order to get a job; we have immigrants suing school systems because the free-ride education they received (monetarily and from an effort requirements standpoint) did not properly prepare them for the work world they probably shouldn't have the opportunity to join in the first place; we have illegal Mexican aliens with the cojones to protest, using signs written in Spanish and flying the American flag upside down; we have had people be offended at the tradition of saluting your neighbor with the phrase- "Merry Christmas!" I haven't been anything resembling a christian in about 5 years and I say "Merry Christmas".

Concession: Now, again, I will say, that I would gladly take plenty of foreign peoples into this country legally who play by our rules- as mentioned in Part I of this column, but we can't stand for the type of infiltration referred to in the previous paragraphs. Hell, I cut out a paragraph of immigrant activities because Janus told me I was taking too much space.

Two more for the Muslims: Oh, I just thought of two more- remember the 6 Muslim clerics who were removed from a flight last month because they were reportedly acting like terrorists, and then mentioned they would ban the airline due to unfair treatment? And the Muslim cab drivers who will not take a fare from transvestites, people transporting alcohol, or blind people (as the blind have sight dogs that would necessitate the cab driver cleaning their cabs because of the supposed infestation)? Refusing a fare like that is a federal law violation. Why don't we force all Muslim clerics acting like terrorists to take cabs to all of their destinations? We could have them stop in Worthington, MN and pick up their fellow law-breakers.

Cartoonish behavior: Bart Simpson managed the very profound line of- "Immigrants, beat it, we're full." Hard to argue with him. And I think Lucy (from Charlie Brown's christmas special) is part immigrant because she mentions at her 5 cent psychology booth to Charlie Brown that all she really wants for christmas is "real estate".

Jung and legitimizing the offensive: Jung's quotation above is much less cartoonishly profound. The immigrants are insecure, they are in a strange land where half the people (the foolish liberals) are accepting of their antics- antics that are more obscene than Terrell Owens sabotaging no less than three NFL football franchises. These people want our land- not our approval, because we've shown that half of Americans will allow them to be offended, to be victims even if they passive-aggressively don't ask for it. They can't, or won't go back to their own countries because of reported unstable governments, or governments that don't have the construction or fast food jobs at the ready. The immigrants are taking for granted what it takes an American 6-year-old several christmases to figure out- that they can manipulate the decision makers into giving them anything they want.

Imports and population Growth: So, the Americans that aren't extremely poor, or unbelievably rich (to admittedly generalize) have time to become infuriated by the reality of their own country being stripped from them. We have time to look at Negative Population Growth websites that show that 1.5 million immigrants are entering our country each year. The website will show how few legitimate citizens will actually be residing in America in 10, 25 and 50 years, when our children will have become conditioned to be bullied by world foundlings. We are being bred right out of our own country- well, the country we stole from the Native Americans. The immigrant's religions, or their mentalities will not allow them to use birth control, so their children are delivered upon us like so many in a long line of terrible imports- like kudzu, the Asian beetle, and Fabio.

Inside the psyche of the Immigrant and societal implications: The immigrant wouldn't recognize this, and surely wouldn't admit to it once it was pointed out to them (in their own language) but they suffer collectively from an inferiority complex. And Americans, who offer road rage, fan violence at sporting events, and hate crimes as just some of the ways of coping violently with their own frustrations, are feeling claustrophobia on a major scale. Because, for all of the people let into the country, there is less space for us to move freely. Americans feel rushed being bogged down by duties and don't have time to stop by Lucy's psychiatric booth, nor do they have the inclination to read Jung. "Real Estate" would be a great thing to ask for for christmas- if only we could own land in Australia- that's where they used to put all the criminals. There is no simpler effect to cause relationship in the history of mankind- more people means more crimes, more violent incidents, more murder, more rape, more car accidents, more hate, more competition- more losers.

Uncivilized: For the immigrant's sakes, I hope that the middle class doesn't convince poor and rich American's to recognize that we are gifting our country to people whose major character traits are a severe intention to be offended, incivility, and ingratitude. Because if we ever figure out that we should band together, to become united, to stop being so civil, because we've realized that the psychic change of us having been molested out of our country has made us angry enough to fight- heaven help them- for we may fight like Iraqis who have so much to lose. Immigrants have shown us that they would return the America we wish them to have; they have taken the receipt of the gift for granted. *

* see Janus' column about Ungratefulness and steak with Ketchup
Thanks Republican Bob- I would like to speak on Republican Bob's behalf which is surprising even to me- as we agree on so little- any argument countering his based on the idea that this country's progress is due to immigration, particularly at the beginning of the 20th century is nonsensical. That version of immigration featured assimilation by the immigrants into the American ways of life- not wholesale disparagement by immigrants for the Americans suffering their presence.


Unknown said...

Yes, agreed. If immigrants want to come into our country and live with our freedom, the freedom the armed forces have fought so hard for; and continue to fight for, we welcome you. But, you go by our laws. Don't bitch for change because it is offensive to you, just leave and don't come back. If you don't like it the way it is, then why did you come here in the first place.

It is funny how America changes for others, but doesn't stick up for their own beliefs. I shouldn't really say that because it isn't true. Many people think the same way as I do, but until the politicians, and actually, more likely the judicial system, changes, immigrants will win the constitutional battle as it currently stands.

The one and only major thing that hasn't changed yet is what our money says ~

Try to take that away from us, I dare you!!

Anonymous said...

The word "discrimination" is thrown around so indiscriminatorily these days(notice that?)

Everyone in this country, except straight SWM or SWF's can claim some form of discrimination... of race, color, religion, sexuality. It's getting so bad that reverse isn't even a word any more.

Everyone is so worried about lawsuits. Why let people sue because 'their feelings were hurt'. Didn't we get over that about 3rd grade? And why should anyone who isn't a legal American citizen get to use our legal system in such a manner at all?

Getting your feelings hurt... could be whole other posting or comment... so I won't get started on that, less I post a comment that competes with the longevity of one from Janus himself.

But I'm with Bob... assimilate or get the hell out. It's not like we're the Borg. We're America, home of the free and the brave.

(Pretty soon we won't even be able to sing the Star Spangled Banner at, the great American pasttime, Lord forbid, a baseball game... it might offend someone.)

Unknown said...

Go "Anonymous" ~ You ROCK man.,.