Monday, May 25, 2009

Middle Class Part 49: The Free Market and Constitution Again, Taxation Chapter 3 and Samuel Johnson's Poetry


Samuel Johnson I: In 1749, Samuel Johnson, a historically well-known personage for many reasons, including his pessimism, wrote a qualified rebuttal imitation of an already fairly famous satiric poem written by Juvenal. The poetic offering of both has come to be known as “The Vanity of Human Wishes.” I will take the liberty of quoting a number of lines, from Johnson’s more popular sequel, in order to draw us into this installment’s sub-subtopic of the free market; whether I will ever be able to logically connect this subtopic to the subtopic of taxation, the broad heading of which is supposed to be my exclusive domain given the third aspect of the title above, remains to be seen. This is politics . . . logic has nothing to do with it. Johnson writes:

“But scarce observ’d the knowing and the Bold,
Fall in the gen’ral Massacre of Gold;
Wide-wasting Pest! that rages unconfin’d,
And crouds with Crimes the Record of Mankind,
For Gold his Sword the Hireling Ruffian draws,
For Gold the hireling Judge distorts the Laws;
Wealth heap’d on Wealth, nor Truth nor Safety buys,
The Dangers gather as the Treasures rise.” (lines 21-28)

Samuel Johnson II: Johnson’s updated version of Juvenal’s original appears to follow the latter’s mocking of the tragic and comic aspects of certain members of the human race, given their ego-centrism (a twentieth century word for a first century [Juvenal] or eighteenth century [Johnson] stock term [i.e. vanity]). The twenty-first century politician is both a comic figure, consider the roasting they endure on late night comedy programs, and a tragic one, as their failures continue to underscore, and cause, ours- a fate we deserve for having elected them (see the quoted lines wich immediately follow this paragraph- which can later be tied into the subtopic of taxation as it pertains to Minnesota's governor's abandoned responsibility to the middle class taxpayer). Johnson’s poem is, most simplistically, a lesson plan of how not to conduct business in this life and if you, as a politician, do not adopt a vast array of attitudes probable infamy awaits- despite having delivered on a pledge to avoid raising taxes (see MN governor Pawlenty below). Johnson writes the names of those who have served, infamously in Johnson's mind, in the British government who have failed and in what ways. Ultimately, what drives the political establishment may be the same thing which drives the financial geniuses- greed; there is little difference between the drive for power and wealth; they are often two sides to the same coin. After all, people run the markets, fail to pass regulations (or even consider them), fix interest rates, trade hedge funds, decide upon potential punishments for transgressions, etc. It is greed that has seemed to prohibit any money saving measure for people who have put trust in a market that is anything but free, as we’ve found. For, the free market has cost many half, or more, of their retirement savings; and those politicians, as I wrote last time, are wandering dangerously free with no way to keep the taxpayer safe from them. (Note, I am aware that those same practices had initially made prospective investors and retirees thier retirment nest-eggs to begin with; and that is the point, without regulations, wouldn’t the same cycle simply repeat itself? The financial capitalists would get to keep the money they never really earned for the investor to begin with?)

"Through Freedom's Sons no more Remostrance rings,
Degrading Nobles an countrouling Kings;
Our supple Tribes repress their Patriot Throats,
And ask no Questions but the Price of Votes;" (lines 93-96)

I'll say that the "price" of votes is nowhere near the cost of them.

Will on greed: George Will wrote a fantastic column for the Washington Post (“In Markets, No Greed Goes Unpunished”); and when hasn’t he written a fantastic column? Will's column, which appeared in the May 17, 2009 Opinion Exchange section of the Minneapolis Star Tribune (OP3) was quite remarkable indeed, and I am not being a bit facetious. Even after I had finished reading his commentary justifying the lawlessness of the free market, maintaining that the greedy may be punished for their over-indulgence in the apparently synonymous realms of the economic free market and ticket scalping, and requesting that “Perhaps it would be restful to give moral reasoning a rest and give economic reasoning a chance,” I still had an empty feeling in my brain- like how confounding, and wistful- completely metaphorically, I find the idea of an almost three year old daughter's hobby of hoping to catch a bird with her bare hands. Somehow, Will's logic didn’t fit. Will spent 726 excellent, almost transformative, words comparing the rules, or lack of them, in the ticket scalping game, with the lack of regulations in the free market. Will’s point is that the greed of charging too much for tickets is its own most effective deterrent and will most naturally punish those who do not know the market. Here is a rebuttal, which shoots his argument all to hell in less than 66 words- when the unregulated ticket-scalping business sets the market for a pair of moderately anticipated Red Sox v. Devil Rays tickets out of my price range . . . I don’t go to the game; when the free-market intelligentsia, dabble in junk bonds, and are allowed, by the federal government,* to mismanage the trading of mortgage-backed securities so that I lose half of my 401k . . . I don’t retire. Ah, the drama of the ellipsis. Try again George. (Special note and many points to Mr. Will for subtlety. The play on words with the title of his column and the cliché sound-alike- “no good deed goes unpunished.” Very impressive. Greed often does go unpunished- didn’t I read something about $700 billion going to the financial industry for a bailout because of a lack of regulations? I thought so.)

Johnson III: Johnson penned his remarks with Britain’s parliament in mind, but are these remarks, to the extent that they are decipherable by the 21st century American mind, so far off the mark these days? Doesn’t the unregulated greed market play quite an integral role? In a perfect world morality would not need to play a role in the economy, but we’ve tried it the pathetically bombastic, typical conservative’s way already. I've read my Friedman and my Adam Smith and they didn't get everything right. These lines I find somewhat appropriate:

“Where Wealth unlov’d without a Mourner dy’d;
And scare a Sycophant was fed by Pride;
Where ne’er was known the Form of mock Debate,
Or seen a new-made Mayor’s unwieldy State;
Where change of Fav'rites made no Change of Laws, (electing members of other parties)
And Senates heard before they judg'd a Cause;
How wouldst thou shake at Britain's modish Tribe,
Dart the quick Taunt, and edge the piercing Gibe?
Attentive Truth and Nature to descry,
And pierce each Scene with Philosophic Eye.
To thee were solemn Toys or empty Shew,
The Robes of Pleasure and the Veils of Woe:
All aid the Farce, and all thy Mirth maintain,
Whose Joys are causeless, or whose Griefs are vain.” (lines 55-68)

To me the last line means that we have no one to thank for our joy or grief; I don’t find this so universally true among people and consider that we can be the cause of our own joy, and just as easily find that grief is anything but vain, especially when it is not of our causing. Considering the sheer volume of supporting arguments I have cited since I began this expansive middle class topic, anyone would have an impossible time convincing me that the economic condition of the middle class is a self-inflicted wound.

Better sports metaphors: I am surprised at Will’s misuse of a sports metaphor to justify why there should be no regulation on the devices used by those in the free and financial markets to make money and why there should not be a maximum amount of money overly greedy free market cost setters (CEOs, marketing departments, business analysits, stock traders, hedge-fund managers) can make under any circumstances using any and all means necessary. Here are some more applicable analogies: the NHL uses the instant replay to ensure that the attacking player has not violated any of the rather refined crease rules- goals may be disallowed if a violation is found; instant replay is used in hockey if there is a question whether the puck crossed the goal line at all or whether an offensive player used a kicking motion to direct the puck into the net using their skate. These video protections are in place to prohibit one team from using inadequate means in order to score goals. In football, the use of instant replay is at the head coach’s discretion. He is allowed two challenges a game and acquires another one should his first two challenges go in his favor. This “challenge” protection, keeps officials, who are only human, much like those that run our financial markets and free markets, from making a mistake, some of which are unavoidable. Protecting the American public from a financial market worker’s decision, who is fully capable of making an unavoidable mistake, or even an avoidable one, should be a challengeable check put in place. Likewise, just this season, a sport I believe is Will’s favorite and about which he knows an exhaustive number of facts, has, probably despite his wishes, instituted an instant replay rule which allows umpires to consult the replay in order to determine if a player has hit a home run. This protects the team in the field from the human errors made by umpires attempting to distinguish dingers from doubles or foul balls from fair. Often, a purist will indicate that they would even have their sport monitored by trained officials rather than a more reliable backup plan such as replay. I would rather have the legitimate winner and champion crowned. These players spend eight months playing games in some cases and can spend another couple months training for the seasons. I would not want anything but skill, dedication, desire or luck to determine the outcome; thousands and millions of dollars can be lost, careers can end, jobs can be lost if the correct call is not made.** For those who would claim that the inaccurate calls all even out in sports- unfortunately, this is not the case in the free market or the financial market. If this were so, you would lose a job only to quickly regain one, you could be foreclosed upon in one neighborhood, only to find a home with as much square footage a week later, the vastly overpriced laminate flooring you bought would be equaled by a $2,000 off coupon on the carpeting you’ve been looking at. If there is a zebra mussel with rickets that likes to travel on the bottom of a boat pulled out of Mille Lacs and the owner never cleans his vessel, that acquatic bivalve mollusk is going to infect other lakes; it is time to impose harsh penalties on those with a wilful disregard for morality and the only way to do that is to invest in a solution comprised of well-considered regulations.

Regulations I: Further, every sport I know uses videotape to determine fines and punishments if players leave the bench or throw a punch in basketball or if a player led with their helmet to tackle another player in football, etc. While videotaping all of the decisions made by those in the financial market or those conducting business in the free market would be impossible, imposing rules beforehand with suitable punishments is completely necessary and possible. There are protections and protocol in place in just about any walk of life I can think of with the exception of contractors, the slugs of the working world. We call the protocol at my place of employment- best practices- proven methods for arriving at the more prudent result. Parents use some guidelines, it can be hoped, to raise and discipline children; there are traffic laws, tax laws, military tribunals, international agreements on protocol for handling detainees and interrogations, sans the water boarding of grasshoppers; contractors must build something to code while failing to call you back on a bid for weeks; a visit to the doctor’s office brings the same type of questions about health history and current illness because it is a method that is meant to aid in a diagnosis in addition to its being redundantly annoying; there is even something called etiquette that old ladies value when setting the table and teaching young people how to be polite. And, as Mr. Will well knows, there are even unwritten baseball rules (your pitcher threw at my hitter kind of thing); hell, you could even have unwritten rules in the free market, just impose some penalties if they are violated, just as baseball does when it throws pitchers and managers out of the game for throwing at batters after both teams have been warned. There were probably more rules surrounding the Michael Vick-backed dog fighting ring, or who is the rightful owner of a cat found inside a used couch than there are in the free market. Why should we be without rules where our economic lives are at stake? (For the cat in the couch story see- “Sofa Surprise: Cat Found Inside $27 Used Couch” Associated Press, March 13, 2009).

Disclaimer: As always, if it is determined that the government has not wasted billions and billions of dollars in taxpayer money, the harshness of my critique on the richest 1-5% goes down considerably. As I have written many times, it is not my argument to redistribute wealth without reason. Unfortunately, allowing a free market to act like a spoiled child who won’t stop whining until you buy all the toys in the store for him has no interest for me. There is a limit- if a factory worker is making $10 an hour and a CEO about to be fired for costing the company that factory worker is employed by tens of millions is handed a $25 million golden parachute, no amount of government waste money identified, and recovered by the taxpayer, will convince me that no regulations on the free market is a good thing. Only people raised by wolves- (i.e. republicans) would think that.

Mill’s v. Will’s: If Will’s only contention is that there should be no maximum threshold of money obtained by those in the free market, because their overt greed is certain to punish them, let us just have a failsafe, a set of guidelines ensuring punishment will follow when greed rewarded, while others suffer, gets out of line. Under no circumstances should the Gordon Gekkos of the world make all of the wrong decisions for 90% of the world’s population and thrive. I would add these stipulations as a way of not merely complaining without offering some sensible ideas, which is a complaint that conservatives and liberals who aren't paying enough attention keep trying to make- 1) that American workers are not laid off in lieu of foreign workers, 2) ineffective CEOs are not paid wages 70 times greater than an average employee, 3) and that higher taxes for the middle class, the current or subsequent generations, is not the product of a lack of government oversight on the free market. If these continue to be problems the middle class has with business and taxes are raised 2% on the middle class then they ought to be raised 4% on the richest 1-5% in the country (only should the qualified statement in the disclaimer paragraph above- that the government is found not to be wasting money) is found to be inaccurate- in which case the middle class is also not on the hook for the 2% hike. There are some protections homeowners can take to defend against the dreaded Emerald Ash-borer from destroying their ash, but cannot rely on any form of morality from the government, to which they pay 25-35% of their salary in order to protect their ass from wall street or the free market. Mr. Will should be mindful of the damage done by the banks and mortgage industry, who underwrote tens of thousands of mortgages, and were allowed to by the government, to the detriment of homeowners who had their homes foreclosed on. The old argument which is immediately used to counter this complaint (about those who had their homes foreclosed on) is to blame the homeowners who accepted the sub-prime mortgage. I accepted a sub-prime/flexible arm mortgage rate and re-financed at the earliest allowable time and found a very fortunate fixed interest rate. Not everyone irresponsibly took that arm rate. So, between capitalism's invisible arm (introduced as a metaphor by Adam Smith) and the flexible arm interest rate is the middle class confined in their economic situation by both. On the one side the middle class is unable to profit by the one as much as the rich (capitalism) and not allowed to advance into a home the free market (in terms of home prices) has overvalued, without some assistance. Rich and poor of the country- you would have us not complain?

Good and bad: Helping a gazelle with a speech impediment deconstruct a Samuel Johnson poem during rutting season while aiding them in taking off their wet clothes when YOU don’t have any arms is easier than arguing with a pro financial industry and free market hawk. You cannot help them as they stretch and flail foolishly about without knowing how ridiculous they sound- and I'm referring to the free market hawk. Ultimately, questions of whether to do something or not do it comes down to whether it is good or bad and whose limited view we are to believe is the most pertinent and good. John Stuart Mill, in Utilitariansm, wrote- “Questions of ultimate ends are not amenable to direct proof. Whatever can be proved to be good, must be so by being shown to be a means to something admitted to be good without proof.” Mill also quotes from Immanuel Kant’s Ethics and then criticizes it- “So act, that the rule on which thou actest would admit of being adopted as a law by all rational beings.” If everyone- EVERYONE were the owner of a store and drove up the cost of a good or service, no one would be able to purcase anything. Maybe I’ll get around to reading Kant’s Ethics one of these days, but Mill writes of that universal law- “All [Kant] shows is that the consequences of their universal adoption [of any rule] would be such as no one would choose to incur.” I’ll take Mill’s word for it. In a world like ours, dominated by binary opposites, (up and down, heaven and hell, past and present, you show me what is wrong, and I will figure out what is right all by myself).

From a Barnes and Noble review: “On April 9, 1944, George Orwell, wrote a review of [Friedrich] Hayek’s ‘Road to Serfdom’ along with ‘The Mirror of the Past’ by K. Zilliacus. It was published in the London ‘Observer,’ and was called ‘Grounds for Dismay.’ Orwell believed that both men had written excellent arguments for opposite if not diametrically opposed political and economic theories . . . Orwell stated, ‘Taken Together, these two books give grounds for dismay. The first of them is an eloquent defence of laissez-faire capitalism [Hayek’s], the other is an even more vehement denunciation of it. They cover to some extent the same ground, they frequently quote the same authorities, and they even start out with the same premise, since each of them assumes that Western Civilization depends on the sanctity of the individual. Yet each writer is convinced that the other’s policy leads directly to slavery, and the alarming thing is that they may both be right. . . . Between them these two books sum up our present predicament. Capitalism leads to dole queues, the scramble for markets, and war. Collectivism leads to concentration camps, leader worship, and war. There is no way out of this unless a planned economy can somehow be combined with the freedom of the intellect, which can only happen if the concept of right and wrong is restored to politics.” And what we may actually have in the United States is an unfortunate combination of both approaches which disgusts the poor about the excesses of the idle class, (the rich), and which annoys the rich concerning the degradation of the poor, some of whom are abusing the welfare system, and among whom there are even more who are idle. What we have not tried is an alternative directed by the more reasonable, and more numerous, members of the middle class who are equally disgruntled with them both and the government which protects and provides for them.


Taxonomy: In April of 2009, after having received an email from Common Cause concerning the inherent problems with campaign finance contributions, I wrote an email to congressman John Kline (R- MN). His response and my critique, and then the email I sent in reply follow:

Kline wrote that he opposed: “creating a system that requires campaigns to be fully funded by taxpayer money.”
My comment: I was not aware that the bill required that all money, for the financing of political campaigns, be provided by taxpayers. Knowing that now, I must concede that I would rather try a couple of election cycles this way in order to avoid what little return the average voter receives after an election in which 90% of the funding of candidates is done by people with little concern for the common good, with little regard for the nation’s current predicament, or for the nation’s prospects.

Kline wrote: “In our free democratic process, the right of citizens to contribute to political campaigns based on their individual candidate preference is protected by the Bill of Rights.”
My comment: We have an oligarchy running this country that only in its infancy came anywhere close to being free, either monetarily, or from an individual rights standpoint.

Kline wrote: “Financially supporting a campaign is an expression of the fundamental freedoms of speech and association . . [he has] long supported greater transparency and disclosure in government.”
My comment: It is not an expression of the freedom of speech to be allowed to contribute mass quantities of cash to the shark-like Space Invader of our choice (see part 48). We are allowed to say, and write, almost anything, as long as we are willing to be considered a xenophobe, a socialist, a traitor, a windbag, or a reactionary. Kline is a conservative and will only stand on the side of pro transparency and accountability, until it appears as if the thread holding his political career together is tugged on by his constituency. I would rather suffer from Pica and consume pen caps, plastic foliage and the covers of the Encyclopedia Britannica than buy into the idea that a mass of politicians are into more transparency and disclosure, unless they are referring to how much they enjoyed the Lost season finale.

My emailed response to representative Kline: I appreciate your response to my email expressing my concerns about HR 1826. You [Kline] wrote- "I oppose creating a system that requires campaigns to be fully funded by taxpayer money. In our free democratic process, the right of citizens to contribute to political campaigns based on their individual candidate preference is protected by the Bill of Rights."

Unfortunately, that is exactly the problem. The Constitution is an ambiguously worded document in dire need of updating. It is, in many cases, the biggest problem with this country and is revered by people who overly respect its contents. However, the biggest problem with the document is not its contents, but what Madison, and others, failed to enumerate. I am certain that Madison and the framers of the Constitution did not mean to grant freedom of speech rights to campaign donors interested in buying any candidate for political office the position they seek.

This approach truly circumvents the citizen's collective right to determine the better candidate for each position, if such a one exists, irrespective of how many repetitive, misleading, blatantly false, depressing and ineffectual advertisements are unleashed upon a populace that sees its rights, those that ardent Constitutionalists claim to protect, largely abolished by the almighty worship of campaign donations which surely make the candidates more beholden to the contributors than to the people they have a greater obligation to serve. This, the people's right to hold politicians accountable, supersedes any right that Madison never, even unintentionally, granted in the bill of rights, a portion of the document he did not want included. (Note: I got that part wrong- Madison proposed the inclusion of the bill of rights; it was Hamilton who did not want them included, giving a reasonable explanation why, which I addressed in part 44).

Surely you would think I am unAmerican in writing, in the manner above, about such a hallowed American document. There is a place for the Constitution which aids so many in dictating their path in the legal halls, the city streets and the fields of the nation. If they all knew better, they would come to find how great a disservice continuing to leave it unaltered is to our common goal of political accountability, freedom from oligarchy, and freedom proper- the last of which is why the Constitution was written in the first place, and not to protect a billionaire’s right to make sure his interests are protected which puts other's more natural rights in jeopardy. [end of response]

A tulip’s persistence and the Constitution: Last fall I made a diligent effort to rid our flower garden of the tulips that were buried a foot underground about six years ago. Tulips are perhaps the surest sign of spring, come in the most vibrant colors imaginable and are as resilient as a reformed double-dipper who falls off the wagon, and reclines into justifying the double dip, each time celery is served with blue cheese dressing. Have you ever tried to eat an entire regulation-sized celery stick with just one spot of dip? The rabbits that rule our yard in the early evenings consume a tulip’s ransom of hearty leaves and make them look like they lost some kind of flower fire-fight with the Irises. This spring, despite my best efforts, I discovered that I did not unearth all of the bulbs that were to be had and had to dig up a number of them that had escaped my shovel last fall. Mindful of the shark and its ability of creating a life without having been inseminated, I vaguely remember my wife telling me that tulips have the capacity to shoot a fledgling bulb out some distance from a host bulb as a way of procreating. I will be surprised if the tulip bulbs, whose leaves serve the same purpose as a flag showing the enemy where their adversary is stationed, are the last I dig up in that location. The argument of how unconstitutional is one thing or another seems at least as frustrating to deal with as tulip bulbs. If allowing three-hundred million people the right to contribute massive amounts of money to the candidate of their choice, a mouthpiece for an agenda and a set of ideals that maybe only satan should be proud of, is protected under the bill of rights, perhaps in some enlightenment-era invisible ink at that, then protecting American jobs from being moved overseas should also be, or have we learned that only those who are the rightful interpreters of the Constitution get to separate the just from the damned? The overly sentimental Frodo was not even so favored as the rightful heir to the ring.

Space invaders: Last column I wrote about how the democratic and republican candidates were indistinguishable from each other. I did not mean to say that a good number of democrats and republicans feel the same way about the issues, because we find their differences in their votes and their public comments about the ways and means of their rivals. My point is that they are not all that different in terms of their ability to assist the middle class in its economic fight. The media on both sides think they are Moses on the top of Mt. Sinai disseminating the rules of god to an eager, but misguided set of people psychologically desperate enough to be led. I have watched CNN enough to know that they are liberal and watched Fox News enough to know that they are conservative- plenty of difference there. The reporters on each station, as well as many others, do a disservice to the average taxpayer by not being objective when delivering election results or reporting on issues in the news. Campbell Brown, on CNN, said after accusations of bias in the network’s coverage of the presidential campaign surfaced- “When Candidate A says it’s raining and Candidate B says it sunny, a journalist should be able to look outside.” But in what must be an obvious conscious shielding of Americans from the objective truth, the journalist should not be allowed to draw the shade down if their beloved candidate is lying. (Source of the quote- Time magazine, November 10, 2008, pg. ??, some magazines go 20 pages without page numbers.) Determining how big a role, and how much of a problem the media is in being biased for one side or the other is slightly easier than milking a male walleye for eggs or detecting a weak urine stream over the phone. Isn’t it unconstitutional to mislead the public with a determined lack of reliable oversight? Mrs. Brown, you can’t maintain your objectivity if a caterpillar wrapped in its cocoon about to suffer from hypertrichosis as a butterfly, can recognize your complete lack of journalistic integrity. (Note: Hypertrichosis is better known as Werewolf Disease- middle aged men who have an unflattering number of hairs growing from their ears or scapula are not legitimate sufferers of this disease- just a hunch, confirmed by the lack of shock expressed by the doctor at my last physical examination.)

Hosed: In part 44 I wrote about an inflatable rat’s free speech rights, but how about a vacuum’s? A “29-year-old man pled no contest to indecent exposure after car wash incident.” It seems that the man was “caught performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum [and was] sentenced to 90 days in prison.” I could use words such as "sucked," "violated" and "hosed" to refer to the various players of my long running middle class drama (taxpayer, government, politician, free market devotee, financial industry maven). I'll stop there for now, figuring that you can see to which player I would most applicably assign the various past tense verbs. At any rate- see “Man Caught in Vacuum Sex Act Gets 90 Days” Associated Press, March 26, 2009. Just having a little fun and reintroducing the re-unretirement of the Brett Favre-like topic of taxation- in that, it just never really goes away.


Land of 10,000 taxes: Minnesota, the state I reside in, has had a strange relationship with taxes for the last 6 years in particular. Current governor Tim Pawlenty made a promise while campaigning or upon assuming office (I forget which) over six years ago that he would not raise taxes, or has made a pledge of “no new taxes” (I forget which). Considering how consistent Pawlenty has been over his 6+ years in office, you would think a guy like me that trots out pig odor studies and quotes poems that are over 250 years old would be able to retain those pieces of information. Minnesotans have had a hard time of it lately, and I’ve only managed to assign a palpable feeling of anxiety about the governor’s promises where residents of Minnesota are concerned- we’re wondering why he isn’t raising taxes. We have not fully appreciated his integrity, because we are concerned about what not raising taxes . . . on ANYTHING might do to the state’s health care system, schools, (the cost of college tuition among them), public services, transportation department, etc. Nobody really delivers on their promises anyway right? But, besides having raised some fees, a subtle semantic difference, he has not raised taxes, and perhaps to the detriment of the state’s budget now and in the future. When six republicans assisted in overriding a Pawlenty veto of a gas tax increase in the fall of 2008, it actually made sense. My justification for agreeing with those in favor of the gas tax- we use the roads, I own a vehicle, it has been proven that roads in disrepair cause damage to vehicles, slow commute times, and affect a vehicle’s performance, can cause accidents, and in my mind, can signal the urban, suburban and rural plight that causes a subconscious lack of respect in the minds of a community’s inhabitants, which perpetuates the plight. All good reasons to side with the six republicans who were instrumental in getting the gas tax increase past a Pawlenty veto. Humor me- those with short attention spans can go back to thinking about the exciting prospect of Brett Favre’s possible re-unretirement. Consider- a man inclined toward depression, can see the disrepair of a series of roads he travels each day, consider that the government does not care about his city and blame the government for not repairing those roads, all while he (the depressed man) was against tax increases that would have gone to fund the repairs those roads need. Hardly a fair knock against the government- especially considering all the legitimately blameworthy government actions and inactions there are to complain about.

Fast forward: The democrats in the Minnesota chambers of government passed a tax increase bill that Pawlenty vows to line-item veto, and this time does not have the numbers to veto proof the provisions Pawlenty is most against, those that raise taxes. Thing is, again I side with the democrats, the party most responsible for insisting on raising taxes. Unfortunately, for those that are still celebrating Kris Allen’s upset of screaming Adam Lambert on American Idol, it is a bit more complicated than that. I’ll wake you up when I’m finished. The tax increase would have raised $1 billion in revenue (for a reported $4.6 billion shortfall), which the state of Minnesota clearly needs if just for school and health care reasons alone. Two of the sources for the increase would have come from a tax on alcohol sales and a surcharge on credit card companies (I’m with you so far). The third source- an increase in taxes on income of those couples who earn more than $250k- you MAY have just lost me, because of that whole government waste notion I have- again, see part 9. This proposed income tax would have hit non-small business owners who bring in over $250,000 a year- the ideal segment of the population for a tax increase, as they would not have to lay people off in order to afford that tax increase.**** What would the revenue derived from those areas being taxed be used for?- hospitals, schools and nursing homes- pretty important things. Still, while valuing Pawlenty’s pledge of no new taxes, (perhaps he just hopes the democrats will read between the lines and simply supply him with a bill which will just raise existing taxes) you cannot admire the policy of a man who obviously is protecting the lobbies of some very powerful groups- such as credit card companies and rich people who probably gave him a lot of money for his campaigns- (have I referred to the problem of campaign finance reform- parts 19-21 enough?), while basically guaranteeing that hundreds (or thousands?) of teachers will no longer have jobs, or that roads in January after seven inches of snow has fallen over night will remain unplowed until 10 am the next morning. It seems that enough Minnesotans thank Pawlenty for his level of stubbornness while questioning his ability to see how continually not raising taxes of any kind will hurt Minnesota in the future, when it will be another governor’s obligation to raise taxes, which the future governor will be derided for, no matter how much he blames that necessity on Pawlenty.

Everyone is a critic: And most people have an idea on what to do and not do where proposed tax increases are concerned. Again, if it is confirmed that the government is wasting no money already being sent their way, only then would I propose any of the tax increase measures that have been proposed, even those that have not been written down or spoken of out loud. Some proposed tax increase ideas which are better than raising income taxes, anyone's income taxes: pop, high-priced clothes, (because they are luxury items) four year olds for calling people names that include the deroguatory term- “poophead” or for asking too many questions in one day about the original Star Wars trilogy, those who plan to use Ovocontrol for use in controlling the St. Paul pigeon population;***** infrequently used sewing machines or spatulas, jewelry; the purchase of hard cover books (this could be called the patience tax because soft covers come out in due time); anyone asking for a federal bailout- including the porn industry and the record industry;****** a syn tax, not to be confused with the sin tax- mostly this version of the syntax would be paid by 900 year old, diminutive and green Jedi Knights named Yoda who use words out of order when they speak. Since Yoda is dead . . . and fictional, we’ll get about as much money out of this newly proposed tax, certainly to be vetoed by Tim Pawlenty, as your average capital gains tax, especially now that the economic stimulus bill has been made law. Combining the syn-tax and the vacuum cleaner story could yield a comment like this from the spirit world Yoda- "Hosed the taxpayer is."

* This means regulating what ought to be unlawful activities- which activities would those be? Let us start a list so that we do not need to rely on the “I’ll know it when I see it” approach which was mocked by Will in his article.

** Consider a manager that just a year previous won the world series because a call was correctly overturned by replay that the umpires had called incorrectly initially. This manager has a terrible record through the first third of the next but cannot be fired because he just guided that franchise to the title. His job is safe for a time, and his recent past achievement proves he is qualified to be given more of an opportunity to turn things around. He loses that series, with no help from the call the umpires got wrong and he is looking for work- with the reason why he lost the series, the blown call, nothing more than an asterisk, when it could have been the only reason why the series was lost.

*** I read a Readers Write letter in the Star Tribune’s Opinion Exchange section (March 13, 2009, pg. A12) a couple months ago. A woman, who had lost her marketing job, [December 2008] and her husband are trying to afford their mortgage and tuition payments for their two children. The couple’s mortgage is with a bank included in the federal bailout. She writes: “I have had countless conversations with bank officials, but have been told that since we are still ‘current’ on our mortgage we do not qualify for any assistance. I was also advised that until we become at least three months delinquent we will not qualify for our laon to be reviewed, and even then they would not guarantee that they would be able to help us. Through my job searches, I know that employers now make a habit of checking a prospective employee’s credit rating; not paying our mortgage will thus affect my ability to become employed.” Hm, can we help this woman out by reviewing her situation, by imposing penalties on the bank, or ask why employers would be allowed to check a prospective employer’s credit history unless they are going to empty the ATM machines?

**** Also in the Star Tribune article “Tax Veto Sets Stage for Week of Haggling” Mike Kaszuba, May 10, 2009, A1 & A14, is this information- an Anoka representative “who was one of six Republicans who voted to override Pawlenty on the transportation proposal last year, said he would not do so on the current proposal, but left the door open on other possibilities. Before Friday’s House vote, Abeler said he was uncertain enough that he took the political pulse of a few key Anoka residents to gauge support for the DFL bill.” Who said- “We will not be contributing to your reelection campaign if you vote yes on raising our taxes!” That is probably the reality, but what Abeler admitted: “I found [no support] on a fourth tier,’ Abeler said, referring to higher taxes on the wealthy.” If you are not rich and live in Anoka, how are you going to vote for this guy next election?

Anyone not see the interconnectedness of all the topics I’ve been writing about since the spring of 2007? Taxation, education, health care, campaign finance, inadequate representation, voting proclivities. A topic like taxation, and one like immigration can be immediately and inherently connected to campaign finance, but can also quite easily be connected with many others. This is like the interconnectedness of all the characters on Lost; and when referring to the future prospects of the middle class- I wouldn’t even have to change the name of the show.

***** “The city [St. Paul] is working up a plan that will involve feeding local flocks OvoControl, a feed laced with birth control that prevents pigeon eggs from being fertilized.” See- “If Pigeon Poop Caused Part of a St. Paul Parking Ramp to Fall, Population-Control Plan Could Benefit” It seems a chunk of a parking ramp façade fell off and landed on the street.

****** From a February 4, 2009 article “NAB URGES CONGRESS TO OPPOSE RECORD LABEL BAILOUT”: “NAB President and CEO David Rehr urged lawmakers to oppose legislation introduced today that would force America's hometown radio stations to pay a new "performance fee" to the recording industry for music aired free on the radio. The legislation, introduced in the House, is supported by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). A measure opposing today's Congressional action is expected to be introduced shortly.” Seems to me that the record labels, since playing music on the radio began, have benefited from having radio stations play their music and now they want to charge stations for the honor of playing their music. I bought a Wang Chung tape in 1984 because Dance Hall Days was such a compelling song and record labels have made billions since radio stations began playing music on the air. This appears to be just another free market ploy, like ticket scalping that we should all respect or be considered moral entrepreneurs by George Will. And here I thought scalping had a negative connotation.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Middle Class Part 48: Time Travel, Parthenogenesis in Sharks, the Swine Flu . . . and Taxation Chapter 2


Time traveling: Fairly recently, a co-worker gave me a year’s worth of Time magazines that he had subscribed to. The most peculiar thing about them, other than the fact that Obama appeared on the cover about once a month, is how amusing life can be in retrospect. I imagine myself time-traveling and mocking some of the text I am reading. I could list many examples which made me ponder, a few of which would take us well off topic. I’ll restrict myself to those that don’t . . . pretty much. I am only about halfway through the stack, so I may be quoting from quite a number of them, even if it looks to the reader like the relavence to the subtopic of taxation is slight.

Taxation and parthenogenesis* (the parthenogenesis part): A number of instances from my acquired stable of issues of Time magazine stand out which are germane to the topic at hand and will provide me with a base of material for this installment. One is found within a weekly feature page called “Verbatim” which quotes newsmakers, whether political, athletic, scientific, societal, currently popular or notorious, etc. The quote from the October 27, 2008 briefing page- “It just goes to show how the ocean keeps its secrets very well.” The explanatory text beneath the quote reads: “Demian Chapman, scientist with New York’s Institute for Ocean Conservation Science, after a virgin shark gave birth—the second known instance of parthenogenesis in sharks.” The first known instance of shark’s reproducing sans sexual intercourse is untraceable, but is suspected to have deep ties to nepotism, politics or religion. We all know of the virgin birth of the son of god, who was put to death as a sacrifice for the sins of man, later, the idea of holding men accountable for their sinful earthly actions by nationalizing the idea of a toilsome afterlife occurred to god. If this was the guaranteed outcome for the evil, this would vindictively reassure me that the conscience-driven life was superior. “Shark” is the codeword for a deviously-trained, fortune-seeking, manipulative, rule-making, selfishly-desperate human being and the application of the word is not restricted to card players or jagged-fanged uber-predators, but extends to politicians. These political sharks give birth to dozens and dozens of tax schemes every legislative session and the unsuspecting populace often has no idea where they come from. Whoever first thought up, virginally, the idea of taxation, a thought pregnant with so much usurious possibility that it makes the kukkabura, a meat eating bird, that willingly transmits streptococcus, seem likeable by comparison, was the primal shark- the first which gave birth to the many sharks which have followed, many of whom live in Washington, some of whom are sons, perhaps born immaculately to fiendish rogue politicians who are too evil to have had sex with women.

Taxation and parthenogenesis (the taxation part): Some taxes are necessary and I pay them without question. It is the tax incidence, and not the instance, that I object to. Some taxes are ridiculous in their nature or simply go to fund the government’s irresponsibility. I look forward to paying the latter about as much as I anticipate conversing with a free-market capitalist whose favorite Disney character, if I had to wager a guess, would be Monstro (the whale from Pinocchio). A notable observation relative to the largest mammal on the planet is that it eats a lot. "A baby blue whale drinks over 50 gallons of its mother's milk in a day. In its first several weeks of life, it gains 10 pounds an hour or a little over 200 pounds in a day!" (See- That monstrosity of progress rivals the trade deficit. Its appetite, like some liberal's appetite for handouts, is insatiable. The blue whale traps thousands of krill in a net of bubbles- "During its high feeding season, a blue whale consumes more than 4-6 tons of krill in one day" often trapping them in a net of bubbles meant to disorient the krill into submission. Remind you of the typical taxpayer's reaction to the net of subservience in these oligarchical United States? Thought so. A whale has a couple of obvious things in common (girth and dwelling area- in the ocean) with a shark. I don’t envy Aquaman, the social obligation of feeling like he has to talk to bastards like whales and sharks,** the latter given their ability to give birth immaculately and swallow things whole, would truly be a labor of love. And he is really the only one qualified to do so; Aquaman is like the messiah of fish. We, the taxpayer, are like little fish flitting our way through the ocean of life, hoping not to get consumed by some greedy bigger fish, sometimes one within our own company. That bigger fish may see the benefit in a different business model, one which allows the migratory practice of big fish seeking cheaper laborers overseas.*** Not even a feral cat is so unloyal. Paying more money in taxes when there is a national crisis, a Time magazine graph indicates, is something voters are willing to do “if the money goes to fund the right solution.” (See- “The Case for Bigger Government” Jeffrey D. Sachs, January 19, 2009, pgs. 34-36.) I did not see a graph in any of the magazines when I was time traveling concerning how little taxes citizens would like to pay when it is assured that billions of dollars in tax money are wasted by a government with less oversight than a bouncer-less backwoods, topless café that only employs three-breasted women on mullet night.

A recession on immigration: The third interesting time-traveling nugget comes from the June 18, 2007 issue of Time which dismissed the suspected harmful effects of amnesty. There are several bold headings which introduce justifications why amnesty would not be harmful to the United States. The fifth heading addresses the 1986 amnesty and mentions that “Studies show that the valleys and peaks in migration have depended far less on changes in policy or policing and far more on the basic economic conditions in the U.S. and Mexico. If you want to truly tamp down illegal immigration, you could induce a recession in the U.S. A better idea might be to help Mexico create more jobs that pay better. A recent Council on Foreign Relations study found that when Mexican wages drop 10% relative to U.S. wages, attempts to cross the border illegally rise 6%.”**** The fact that our country would go to such great lengths to stem the tide of illegal immigration is encouraging, (I’m referring to the U.S. having induced a recession, the only thing more insidious is the induction of a shark conceived immaculately), better than a wall or fence, more border patrol agents, stiffer penalties, helicopters, etc., and what a truly masterful plan that is. Instead of a state-of-the-art-fence that would have cost an estimated $4-8 billion dollars,***** the federal government decided to allow banks and other financial institutions to go almost completely unregulated in their business practices and put the taxpayer, (whether current or unborn) at an extreme disadvantage- as they have decided rather to bail out the financial industry to the tune of $750 billion or more . . . That hell isn’t over yet.

Taxation and wages I: What is with the shark metaphor, writing about wages****** as if they were completely partnered with taxes, immigration (see parts 22-27) and the recession (which I’ve written about in half of my posts since immigration) all in one big mess of text? I might ask that myself, and I am the author of this blog saga. I am merely suggesting how interconnected everything is. We are the taxpayers, subject to the whims of political sharks and the volatile nature of 21st century financial markets, held hostage by the representatives we elect and hemorrhaging our jobs to foreign workers whether they come legitimately, via a work-visa, or are not detained at our border. We are, in fact, taxed on our earnings (our wages), so it seems to me a logical step to address taxes along with wages, much more logical than a number of corporations, some reporting 32.1% operating profit margins, that still compulsively want, apparently, to earn all of the money in the world. Their appetite for money reminds me of a whale's appetite for krill. Also, how directly taxes are tied to wages should come as no surprise to those who have brought home a paycheck or who were the least interested in the economic recovery/stimulus bill’s operational effects on the average taxpayer- “Millions of Americans enjoying their small windfall from President Barack Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit are in for an unpleasant surprise next spring [2010]. The government is going to want some of that money back. The tax credit is supposed to provide up to $400 to individuals and $800 to married couples as part of the massive economic recovery package enacted in February [2009] . . . new tax withholding tables issued by the IRS could cause millions of taxpayers to get hundreds of dollars more than they are entitled to under the credit, money that will have to be repaid at tax time.” (See-, “INSIDE WASHINGTON: Taxpayers to Get Rude Surprise” Stephen Olemacher, Associated Press Writer, April 30, 2009.) If you can’t see how American wages are determined by the taxes imposed by the government, the government’s inability to protect its workers from loan sharks, and the political sharks we elect to keep our jobs safe from invaders, perhaps some time traveling is in order. Instead of looking at the past, you are going to want to see what it will do to us.

Taxes and wages II: It should be said that immigration directly reduces our taxes, which we should be thankful for, excepting that it reduces our wages by doing so; taxes are proportional with earnings; non-salaried employees don’t have to remember this if they can still read their paycheck. If we earn less, the government removes less in payroll taxes. Middle class payroll taxes are surely held in check by the earning of less money, which without question can be tied both to immigration and to the outsourcing of jobs overseas. Anyone who cannot see this probably thinks a singing competition between chickens that must remove butter from their talons with cold water while doing so is a good idea.

Wages- we don’t need no stinkin’ wages (apparently): A 2007 Pew Research study concerning the perception of economic haves and have-nots as compared with a 1988 study reported these reasons as important determining factors for people classifying themselves as haves or have nots: race, political orientation, sex, age, education level and region of residence in the United States. What do I feel is the most important determining factor- what should cause you to classify yourself as a have or have-not? The reality of either actually having or not having. A young piglet could not consider itself a leopard simply because it has spots. It is its destiny to be consumed or spend its life in some South Dakotan petting zoo, for having-not. The study reveals that- “The increased prevalence of both views -- that the country is increasingly divided along economic lines and that a given individual is on the wrong side of that divide -- finds support in national economic data. As numerous studies have demonstrated in recent years, income gains over the last few decades have been heavily concentrated at the very top of the income distribution. For example, in an update of their earlier study of long-term U.S. income trends, economists Piketty and Saez compute that the share of income going to families in the top 1% of the income scale has doubled from 8% in 1980 to 16% in 2004 even excluding capital gains. (For a review of other recent studies see an earlier Pew commentary, ‘Pinched Pocketbooks: Do Average Americans Spot Something That Most Economists Miss?’)”

‘Meanwhile, Congressional Budget Office data show that despite the increase in the number of families with two or more earners and widespread income gains in the latter half of the 1990s, families in the middle fifth of the income distribution realized only a modest $6,600 increase in annual income between 1988 and 2004, while the top 1% of families saw their incomes rise from $839,100 to an average [of] $1,259,700. Recently released Census Bureau data show that in 2006, median household income adjusted for inflation was still 2.1% below its 1999 level.******* More sensationally, recently reported on a study showing that ‘top private-equity and hedge fund managers made more in 10 minutes than average-paid U.S. workers earned all of last year.’ ” (See- “A Nation of Haves and Have-Nots? Far More Americans See Their Nation as Divided Along Economic Lines” Jodie Allen, September 13, 2007.) And as certain employees work for corporations with operating profit margins of “a whopping 32.1 percent”******** and can still receive only a 1.5% raise, fear that their job is to be moved overseas within the next year, and be told that the business unit they are inspired to work for is making a “boatload” of money (according to the business unit’s director). I haven’t decided whether the way managers talk to the employees about a corporation’s financial well-being should be the complete snow job mentality or the keepin’ it real approach; what I do know is that the employees won’t care as long as they are better compensated for their tolerance of your lies or your down-home jocularity. Ask a rabbit if it prefers blood meal on its hosta-leaf salad, or prefers to be threatened with removal from its occupation while not being paid in insects. Very little difference. You may have a hunch that there is a third approach- the truth, and a fourth, getting laws passed which inhibit a corporation's chances of selling American workers down the river. Such a law, say the conservatives, is unconstitutional. I wonder how many republicans would say so if their prospects were tied to one employer, and it was their job on the line. I look forward to a discussion with a republican who semi-consciously suffers from a collective prolapsed conservatism without their knowledge about as much as another computer reconfiguration which butchers all of my internet settings, removes non-corporate supported work-functional applications and destroys all of the productively assimilated functionality I've worked 3 years to install. Note- I recently had my computer reconfigured- there isn't a word in the English language I could use to express my frustration with either the prolapsees or the reconfiguration.

Mr. Independent: Lou Dobbs, in “Independents Day” writes, “I believe that a number of factors explain the stagnation of working wages and a rising sense of anxiety and frustration in our middle class. Corporate America is undeterred in its determination to outsource middle-class jobs and to import cheap foreign labor, while our government is representing neither the interest of our people nor that of our nation. The divide between the wealthy and privileged and the middle class and those who aspire to it is widening. A 2007 Pew[*********] Research study found not only that the American family’s income has failed to keep up with productivity growth since 2000, but that working men in their thirties today earn less than men in their thirties did in 1974. As recently as a decade ago, young working men were earning more than their fathers.” (pg. 170) Dobbs also writes, “In 1980 a meat-packing job paid nineteen dollars an hour, but today that same job pays closer to nine dollars an hour, according to the Labor Department. That’s entirely consistent with what we’ve reported on the show: Illegal aliens depress wages for U.S. workers by as much as $200 billion a year, in addition to placing a tremendous burden on hospitals, schools, and other social services.” (pg. 156 of “Independents Day”)

Transposed subject matter: Surely these next two quotations apply more to immigration than taxes, but then why would I include them here? Dobbs quotes California congressman Ed Royce- “It [allowing immigrants with few skills into the country] is going to push down wages, it’s going to import an awful lot of poverty into this country, and these individuals on average pay one dollar in taxes for every three dollars in public benefits they receive. Figure out what it means for Social Security in the future as a consequence of this act.” (pg. 156 of “Independents Day”) And when a fair-minded citizen, the mayor of an east coast town, objects to the path this country is taking, a hard line is drawn by judges who are legislating from the bench by using the tired- “it is unconstitutional” refrain to allow just about anything more sensible people would find revolting- “No case attracted more national attention than that of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. In the summer of 2007 a federal court ruled that Hazleton’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act, which aimed to hold landlords and employers responsible if they did business with illegal aliens, is unconstitutional. More than 120 communities across the country have passed similar legislation and local laws.” (ID pg. 160, 161) The judge’s words justifying his ruling indicate that he may have contracted the dumb-ass flu. However, I won’t even include them here; I’ve decided that I can’t quote everything Dobbs writes. As I write this, I am wearing a swine flu mask so that I don’t catch the dumb ass flu. Despite the fact that the case is almost two years old- yeah you never know what can happen when you’re still time traveling, contact with a shortsighted liberal who may still be a carrier for any of a variety of animal-appellated illnesses. If a scientist doing stem cell research had found the genetic code for scientifically reproducing Care Bears in a petrie dish, liberals would demand that it was unconstitutional to destroy those cells. They would want the Care Bears to have voting rights, encourage the introduced species to use names like Unconstituional Bear and Dumb-Ass Bear and guarantee them citizenship if they wait out the whole dubiously predictable amnesty bill that will get passed during the Obama administration. I’ll have more on the constitution below time; shocking isn’t it? I have to get back to my time-traveling theme.

Big government: From a January 19, 2009, Time article “The Case for Bigger Government by Jeffrey D. Sachs, come these sentences- “We’ve kept our taxes as a share of national income lower than Europe’s by focusing on the private sector [allowing the unregulated free market exchange of money to dominate the economy]. After citing the Obama administration’s inherited litany of problems- “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression: the financial sector is in ruins; the budget is hemorrhaging red ink; debt-ridden households have clamped down on spending . . . unemployment is soaring; the country is in two wars; and the unmet social and environmental needs are vast . . .” the next sentence is the panacea for the 44th president- “These conditions demand a fundamental realignment in strategy that ultimately comes back to taxation: Will we pay for the government we need?” (pg. 35) Aren’t we already paying for the government we need? They take taxes from my earnings each paycheck that go to social security (6.2%) and medicare (1.45%) and my employer keeps my wages low because they are on the hook for unemployment taxes, which, by the way are significantly lower than actually paying an employee. I know, that seemed obvious, but I just thought I would make sure you catch my meaning. Oh, and I forgot, they remove money for Fed Withholding and MN Withholding, which money is accumulated for just about anything else, budget shortfalls, money for tanks, protecting us against the swine flu. Through December 20, 2008 the total amount removed from those two areas, from my pay checks was almost $3,300. All together from the four taxed areas I list above, I had over $7,000 removed in 2008.

Big Constitution: I ask myself, when I am not considering how ridiculous a cheetah would look trying to moon walk while being attacked by a swarm of gnats with the dumbass flu and in between bouts of my too self-conscious preoccupation with being introspective, isn’t that enough? Isn’t it too much, for a citizen who has absolutely no control over how his earnings are disseminated? If anyone brings up the notion that I have a say based on who I vote for, I am going to tell them that is an unconstitutional comment. This will instantly put them on the defensive because they will have to read through the Constitution for the rest of their lives searching for the words that would even cryptically hint that this is true; I think this the most used war-of-words tactic in the adult world and rivals the pint-sized version- "I know my dad could beat up your dad." If state and federal judges do it, what is to stop oveeager conservatives and liberals from using it? Distinguishing between republicans who want to tax me and say that banning smoking in public is unconstitutional and democrats who want to tax me and say that outlawing abortions is unconstitutional is a guy like me saying that the Constitution is unconstitutional! (There is much more angst-ridden text contained within the Time article I quote from above; Sachs even equates how much taxes contribute to the GDP, a point not lost on me, and one which I have already brought up as a way the government will have to justify increasing taxes if consumer spending continues to plummet- [see part 45] and if big government "rescues" us by providing the overtaxed with universal health care.)

The plan: I wonder- what is the government’s plan? The government allows illegals into the country which takes low paying jobs from Americans (pre-recession of course), and the government allows the outsourcing of jobs overseas, which takes from Americans an increasing share of middle class jobs; without a job, a worker cannot be taxed, as they earn no money, without money, it is awfully hard to purchase things. That statement excepts property taxes, which a citizen won’t have because he won’t be able to afford a house, because of the no job thing, and excepting sales tax, such as on food, an extra-necessary cost, which he won’t be able to afford because he won’t have a job, there will be significantly fewer taxes to be had as a component of the GDP. So, the only people not overly afflicted with a financial shortcoming are the rich, who are the ones who can afford to finance the campaigns of the politicians empowered with making the decisions that are costing everyone who is not rich so much money, family, identity and is protecting those with money from the reasonable demands of everyone else. Is there some science fiction movie somewhere that has already played out this scenario?

Sachs concludes: “. . . though almost no U.S. politician will say it now, the U.S. will probably have to follow Europe down the path of the value-added tax—a kind of national sales tax. In the past 50 years, arguing for tax increases to fund the expansion of federal programs has been a political death wish.” (pg. 36) Well, not really. Imagine this whole economic situation from an Independent’s perspective. Consider a video game such as Space Invaders. Imagine the plot of Space Invaders was that these underdeveloped aliens were coming for you. These were nameless, faceless bugs descending upon you en masse asking for more money in taxes, or not even more money, but rather asking for the same amount of money despite the fact that your wages never noticeably increased, and they have no intention of apologizing to you for how delinquently they spent the money you gave them last year. The only thing that distinguishes one of the space invaders from every other is that it used to occupy a certain space a certain distance from your laser cannon. You might remove ten to one hundred aliens with a laser cannon, the only defense you have, besides the ability to move laterally, but eventually, unless you are a superior player, (which you only become by feeding the machine with a dollars in quarters), you are overcome by sheer numbers. How is this result distinguishable from the plethora of like-minded politicians who claim to be democrats or republicans and claim the money that you have earned. If one politician/alien is eliminated as a potential candidate to feaux-represent you, others simply take their place, their advance upon you quickens and though the governor of your state might veto a tax bill (see below) the majority of them passed through their chamber of government, they’ll charge an internet access tax or a tax on items purchased on the internet, or a tax for successfully potty training your daughter in a weekend, to offset the diaper lobby’s loss of your patronage. I see virtually no characteristics which would separate an alien in Space Invaders from the average politician. They come for your money and your job, and are backed by those who seldom ever have to fear for the loss of either. (Note, I’ve read a Minnesota tax increase proposal that would increase the tax on items bought on the internet and also read an article about an internet access tax that has been considered in the past, but seems as if it cannot be enacted, for states that have not been grandfathered in, until 2014. See- I am already charged $60 a month for internet access- that’ll do.

Europe and broken America: The author of the above referenced article (Sachs) writes, “As our budget choices were getting tougher in the 1970s, Europe faced similar dilemmas and took a different course. While Americans rejected new taxes and domestic programs, Europeans elected governments that introduced higher taxation, mainly value-added taxes, to cover the rising costs of health care, education, infrastructure, poverty relief and international-development aid.” (pg. 36) First, and this is one of the most important points I have made in this whole blog saga, trim the government waste, hire me and I will show you where it is. Then, and only then, ask the citizens who still have jobs to pay more in taxes. When you cut through all of the political red tape, the favors owed to campaign contributors, the pork in your state and federal legislation, the unregulated free market, the ridiculously ambiguous language in the Constitution, the migration of jobs overseas and the assumption of them within our borders, the overpaying of teachers who are not high performers, the rewarding of CEOs with huge bonuses for tanking companies, the abuse of the welfare system, the awarding of a military contract after collecting only one bid, and the wasting of money on bureaucratic health care, then ask for more money.

Retirement, taxes and government spending: I’m still asking about the government’s plan, and I’m not the only one, see the next paragraph below. In yet another timely-read, for the purposes of this subtopic, Time magazine article- “The Big Bank Bailout: Are You Next?” by Bill Saporito, October 27, 2008, come these words- “If we are forced to increase savings, [to fund retirement and stem the tide of the recession] then spending has to drop, and that has ramifications for the stock market and the economy, because it implies we’ll buy fewer computers and take fewer trips.********** With consumers hard-pressed, it is the government that will have to do the spending. Both presidential candidates have proposed economic stimulus packages on top of the $168 billion stimulus Congress passed in early February [2009]. At some point, of course, the next President will have to either rein in that spending or raise taxes—or risk a historic budget deficit.” This is a role the government must be giddy with anticipation about. The article is primarily about the juxtaposition of people hoping to survive this recession without spending money they hope to save for retirement. These people lost money because of the financial market’s response to the extreme dumb-ass flu that has swept through the government for decades, but more particularly in the last decade where the government has seemed to have been inoculated against it, while being carriers to those who are less immune, like the taxpayer. It helps to be inoculated against it when you can ask the afflicted, (the taxpayer for almost $800 billion to remedy an illness of your own causing. Pro taxation people would probably ridicule people who had an irrational fear of crocodiles; but a fear of crocodiles is rational . . . if you are alive. As above, when I promised to get back to the unconstitutional comments, I will have more to say in this area (government waste).

Tax in Time: In yet another Time magazine article (from November 10, 2008, pg. 59) I read, in Justin Fox’s The Curious Capitalist, some speculation about where the government is most likely going to go to get a hand-out. Fox asks, “So who will pay those taxes?” He mentions that the highest earners- “almost all income gains in recent years have gone to the top 1%. But because the rich can afford good tax lawyers, there are diminishing returns to increasing their tax rates.” Also, “The share of pretax income going to the bottom 40% of households dropped from 20 % in 1980 to 15.9% in 2005, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and that decline has been counteracted only modestly by tax credits. [to the poor]” So, if taxing the rich is out because the government apparently cannot hire lawyers brighter than those the rich can hire, and taxing the poor is out because they don’t have any share of money to begin with, who is left? How about we just tax those in the middle class again? They keep voting for one of two space invaders anyway. That is precisely what Fox concludes, though his spin is that the government would tax those that make between $70-$250k, the broadly defined upper middle class- broadly defined to be sure. Quite an income grouping. Those who make $70k have virtually nothing in common with those that make $250k, I assure you. Also, as I’ve written before, (part 41 to be exact)*********** I recognize the danger of increasing the taxes of those who make between $200k-$300k AND own a small business and those who make that, or more, and don’t, because of the ramifications it can have on the small business employee, the employers chances of growing the business which is the essence of capitalism I would never want to constrain.


Detention I: I only served one of these in high school- go figure. The heading of this paragraph concerns how certain zoo animals are detained. Consider, on your next trip to the zoo, the animals that are more sectioned off than the others. This provides a safe viewing environment for innocent children, dutiful parents and self-absorbed teens on their second date. This protection ensures we are safe from dangerous animals, and keeps the animals, some of them anyway, safe from us. The shark is encased in at least 6 inches of fortified glass, the bear is bastioned behind the same transparent wall of glass; the tiger is kept in a forested hold within walls, specialists familiar with the abilities of big cats have verified it cannot scale, the lynx prawls in a bored manner and monkeys swing or hang innocently behind fenced enclosures. All of these bulwarks are in place as safeguards for our enjoyment, for these animals, and thousands like them, would be a danger to us if allowed to roam free, kind of like your average pedophiliac. Oh, wait, we do let those guys out don’t we . . . bad analogy. Maybe we should release pedophiliacs into the enclosure of an eel or a snake or a gorilla and see what happens. But I digress.

Detention II: Likewise, other, more innocent, animals are kept behind fences. My family went to the zoo the other day, and along with seeing that the dolphin was kept within a pool of water, the goat behind a fence and the ostrich in a large open space, able to be seen, but far beyond any human’s reach, I noted how we have these protections in place to guarantee our safety, and if not guarantee, for there is always the chance that the power of nature will supercede the logic of man, or that a curious child will enter the domain of the meerkat and have its ankle bitten, then at least the fortifications are well considered. We have these animal garrisons in place for reasons like safety, or money (it would cost a lot to replace a panda), or money- (it would cost a lot to defend a lawsuit brought about because an elephant left to its own devices stepped on someone’s toe. This detention makes sense; it is reasonable. Even the two beta fish we brought home a few weeks ago, are separated in the aquarium because they are two males, the more beautiful of the beta fish species, and are highly likely to rip each other to shreds through some kind of genetic fish jealousy mandate- “my fins are bigger and more colorful than yours” type of thing. The packaging warns the beta fish shopper about this wild proclivity, arms them with knowledge they might not otherwise have had, kind of like when the government releases a pedophile, excepting this analogy also is not suitable for the government does so without the warning.

Detention III: Money-wise, the two fish, who were reported by the sales girl to be more exciting if purchased in tandem, cost me twice as much as one fish would have. I was set to by one, but the feature of how much of a flourish each male would swim with if paired with another was apparently a selling point with my wife. I relented and bought the two; good thing I got me that 1.5% raise and that Obamessiah tax credit. I didn’t buy two sharks, there are enough of those running the corporations we work for. But all of this animal kingdom stuff, the detention of unsafe sentient beings without the ability to blush in embarrassment because of what they’ve done, or what they’re capable of (i.e. animals), even the sexual predator animals kind of stuff got me thinking about the average taxpayer’s own life, his habitat, his relationship to his community, his predator-prey relationship with his representatives on all levels of government. (Note- the predator = the politician, remember the shark stuff above; do you think I just write everything accidenctally?) We have so many protections in place for animals and for us: zoo fortresses, leashes, warnings not to feed the ducks, deer crossing signs, beware of dog signs, Peta press releases, millions of books which would educate us on how to keep a whoot owl as a pet, but not a lot in the way of keeping us protected against political predators. I’ll get back to that theme eventually- next time- I have a lot of plates to spin.

Pig odor and swine flu: Certainly, my metaphors above are offal,************ I mean awful, and I cannot believe that less than two months after my chastisement of the omnibus bill’s pig odor study, that a hysterical (perhaps legitimately hysterical) fear of a potential pandemic called the swine flu gripped the imagination and the American psyche. If someone coughs a few times within a few minutes in a cube within earshot of mine I think of commenting on their having the swine flu and feel almost guilty of how negatively I portrayed the money that was allotted for an Iowa pig odor study- surely the two things are connected. According to a National Geographic article, “Egypt Killing All Swine” from April 30, 2009- “Even though no cases of swine flu have been found in Egypt—in pigs or Humans—the government has ordered an estimated 300,000-plus pigs slaughtered as a swine flu precaution . . . Unlike bird flu, where the flu strain that spread to humans was widespread in bird populations, the World Health Organization says there is no similar concern about pigs - and no evidence that people have contracted swine flu by eating pork or handling pigs.” So, I apologize for my work in mocking the pig odor study which would have saved the vast number of schools from being closed, from lame jokes at the office the instant someone sneezes, the common use of the phrase- “cover your cough,” the altered focus from a pig’s glycemic index, which is often indicative of their rotundity, and to the entire pork industry that is suffering a heavy financial loss. Too bad, we, as the voting public, can’t slaughter a few hundred thousand legislative maneuvers (pork barrel spending) that would save the taxpayer billions of dollars for lord knows what. Unfortunately, I don’t think that number of slaughtered proposals is going to be enough.

Note: I wrote about the swine flu when it was in full outbreak mode, before it had killed nearly five people. I have a lot of spinning plates- government waste as it equates to taxation, predatory politicians and their captivity, the free-market (still), the whole subtopic of taxation proper, and the unconstitutionality of just about everything from breathing through your mouth, fearing the wrath of diabetes for using drink boxes to potty train your daughter and five minute conversations about double-reed musical instruments.

* Parthenogenesis- a form of reproduction where a female gives birth without the fertilization provided by a male to the embryo.

** There is an approach to the tasking of work in many corporations called Agile, which requires the collaboration of employees in order to get the job done. Work/stories are written out on index cards, along with various development and testing cards associated with that story and all of the associated cards are kept in swim lanes. There are several sharks in this walk of life as well, some are project managers, or their bosses five levels up the food chain which continue to shift jobs overseas, defending such a maneuver by saying the words “free-market.”

*** In this clumsy, and thinly-veiled metaphor, the word ‘underseas’ should probably be used

**** My wage went up 1.5% this year- any chance that information alone would keep just ten illegals from coming to the United States? Some of that information, from June of 2007 is quite humorous. For the complete article see “The Case for Amnesty” by Nathan Thornburgh, June 18, 2007 (pgs. 38-42).

***** See- for more on all kinds of border fencing costs, the number of apprehended immigrants, and the number that were not apprehended, and proposed and passed bills.

****** In Lou Dobbs’ most recent book- “Independents Day” he devotes another chapter to the overall effects of immigration. In the chapter titled “Crossing the Line” he has an immigration facts insert which addresses the topic of falling U.S. wages for American workers. He writes- “Construction workers made the same hourly rate as they did in 1965 (measured in 1982 dollars) . . . Wages have fallen by nearly 4% for landscaping workers . . . Landscapers are making the same hourly rate as they did in 1972.” The same thing is happening in more fields than just landscaping and construction.

******* This was essentially my jumping off point from which I’ve been able to show how many issues are turned against the viability of members of the present, and even more profoundly, the future economic middle class.

********* And I thought the pig odor study being conducted by PEW Research was both fitting and funny. The connection between the reality of the employee wage situation in this country and the name of the research group doing the study produces something that is sad and stinks- (see part 45).

********** Which I most notably mentioned in part 5 (Paying to Live for Free), part 8 (The Price of Necessary Costs) and part 9 (Government Waste).

*********** I never thought I would have the occasion to reference that column. See paragraph 2) Fexofenadyne hydrochloride (Allegra).

************ Offal: waste parts of a butchered animal, most often their entrails and internal organs.