Monday, March 17, 2008

Middle Class Part 24: Immigration's Affect on the United States continued- (Driver's Licenses, Identity Theft, Voting and Holy Moses)

More things that are difficult to prove:

Cancer linked to late night work: “It is a surprising step validating a concept once considered wacky. And it is based on research that finds higher rates of breast and prostate cancer among women and men whose work day starts after dark.” Overnight work is considered by the study to be taxing on the body’s biological clock. The lighting at night, a compromised immune system weakened by natural fatigue and other factors may play a role. See-,2933,313727,00.html.

Biological anthropologists can, by testing teeth from corpses buried for 1800 years, show how closely they lived to the equator in their youth by gathering deposit samples and drilling into teeth to gather cross-section scientific data. By doing this, scientists can determine what a people’s primary diet consisted of, and with that, what their likely country of origin might have been. The jury is still out on whether the Caledonian corpses I saw exhumed and examined by biological anthropolgists on a History Channel program voted in their Indigenous Peoples of Scotland primary elections (see below). We can successfully determine much of the preceding through a battery of tests, but cannot see in what ways not having an improved immigration policy would be beneficial to the hundreds of millions of people already here. Has any famous person ever said or written this line? - It seems that the past is easier to predict than the future. Or not . . .

This news from an Israeli teacher recently: Moses was high on Mount Sinai, but was also arguably psychologically high “on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments,” and also perhaps when he saw the burning bush. No word yet on whether he was tripping when he parted the red sea. The information can be found at:

“Pharmaceuticals Lurking in U.S. Drinking Water”: This is the title of an Associated Press article to be found at, written by Jeff Doon, Martha Mendoza, and Justin Pritchard, March 10, 2008. If, prior to the parting of the Red Sea, Moses would have imbibed a portion of the water and it contained the “antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones” that “have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans” the task of parting such a massive body of water wouldn’t have been such a Herculean task. Attention hog. Course, had he and his Israelite followers drank from a body of water containing the above referred to pharmaceuticals, they probably would not have felt up to continuing to flee Egypt. “Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.” Likely, those citizens/voters who would otherwise have an aneurysm due to the continued lack of an immigration policy would probably benefit the democrats if they were kept as thirsty as possible. This news is the microcosm to the macrocosm of global warming; “researchers do not yet understand the exact risks from decades of persistent exposure to random combinations of low levels of pharmaceuticals,” just as fossil fuels, may or may not be contributing to a higher overall average temperature in certain parts of the globe, the reported rising of oceanic waters and the melting of polar ice caps, among other signs. Also included in the water supply of one state or another according to the report- “heart medicine, infection fighters, estrogen, anti-convulsants, a mood stabilizer and a tranquilizer.” I wonder if drug companies have anything to do with this, or if it is just the trace amounts naturally poured back into the soil and reservoirs by humans who took the drugs as administered medicines, as the article suggests, and evacuated them back into the natural circle of life.

FYI: Wikipedia provides a source who has found that 64% of people believe the biblical story of the parting of the Red Sea by Moses is literally true. I bet there are a decent number of conservatives who are among that 64%. And, plenty of that 64% are conservatives who aren’t buying the notion of global warming. Hm, perhaps the future effects will be more easily proven than past events.

As the tagline that followed the opening credits for the X-Files television program that concluded in 2002 contended- “The Truth is Out There.” Course, so are plenty of the scientists, the political scientists, iconic religious personalities and even the author of all of these columns.

As I have more than hinted, providing enough proof consistently and permanently in order to convince all types of people of your viewpoint is a tall order. I became convinced that I need to take out the vacuum cleaner more often after witnessing with what excitement my two ankle-biters approached the suction device, which makes an apparently attractive noise, compelling toddlers to approach it in awe, given the novelty of its appearance. They were fascinated by the sound, the construction, the maneuverability and the raw sucking power. I could draw a comparison to the federal and state governments and their sucking ability, and a vacuum, but that would be too easy, much easier than convincing either of my kids that clipping their toenails is a good idea. Maybe the easter bunny will bring a taser or straight jacket to assist in this struggle in the near future, during the lent season, a religious celebration, derived from a religion (chrisitanity) a major figure of which was Moses.

License to drive . . . me nuts!: I know I already used this one last time out, but it works too well to abandon with just one use, like a wallaby whore whose level of engagement in the fine art of appealing to the coyote clan at the zoo is just 16%. (Ahem, a coyote is another name for a person who assists an illegal immigrant in the enterprise of illegally crossing the border. Yep- America = zoo, Americans are the wallaby whores. This metaphor pretty much wrote itself.* Also see for an inside take on illegal immigration. The final paragraph addresses the concern about young female illegal immigrants who are tricked into prostitution. You just cannot abandon a good introductory phrase when it can precede this: “19 people who engineered 9/11 had among them a collection of 63 driver's licenses . . . you don't need a driver's license to slash a pilot's throat. But you do need a driver's license, or a passport, to board the plane in the first place.” Not for long, because a minority will be offended for having been asked to follow the same rules as everyone else. I mentioned in part 22 about being surprised that terrorists haven’t engaged the services of illegal immigrants, but there are probably so many other holes in the Swiss cheese-like security checks in entrance points all over the country that they don’t need to choose that avenue quite yet. See William F. Buckley’s article from November 3, 2007. Handing over driver’s licenses to illegal aliens would be as idiotic as attempting to sue a half dozen casinos because the casinos did not recognize one of their patrons had a compulsive gambling problem. What’s that you say? Arelia Margarita Taveras?
Get out the vote: Let us add this up- politicians testified on Capital Hill on March 6, 2007, according to the Washington Times, that illegal aliens are potentially “eroding the integrity of U.S. elections, and will continue to do so without voting laws.” One politician said, “illegal aliens in many states can easily acquire driver’s licenses, making it easy for them to register to vote, especially states with ‘motor-voter’ laws.” (See-, “Illegal Aliens Seen Eroding Vote,” by Sean Lengell). The story also shockingly reveals that “several Democrats said the intimidation of immigrant voters—not the voting of illegal aliens—is the biggest election-reform priority.” Riiiiiight, and when a divorced prairie dog says he lost his nuts in the settlement he is referring to the cashews he foraged for while living in the lands he helped colonize in South Dakota. Most democrats are clueless on the topic of immigration. To date, driver’s licenses are not required to show proof of citizenship, or to allow voting rights, and as the above story reveals, licenses are so easy to fake- there would be no point to connecting one’s right to drive to their right to vote. Even so, some people have still broken out of prison, though there are bars, armed guards, dogs, vast bodies of water separating them from civilization, watch towers, search lights, bed checks, millions of tons of concrete, barbed wire, twenty-five foot wall fences, and their bitches in prison, so that the conjugal visits they don’t receive don’t hurt them from a physical or psychological Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs standpoint. The passage of a law necessitating that each potential voter show their driver’s license would at least make it a bit more difficult for illegal voters. Democrats and republicans fighting over the amnesty clause in any proposed immigration bill is exactly like a parent mentioning dessert to a child (the immigrant) repositioning the peas on their dinner plate in an effort to make it look like some inroad into consuming the vegetable has been made. The child will whine constantly until you give them what they want and/or they will act like complete imbeciles, not learn how to properly ask for things in English, take things that aren’t theirs, blame others for their wrongdoing, and attempt to impose their childish culture of complaints on parents who give in because they can’t stand it anymore. Giving in consistently is called enabling. Plenty of parents and democrats never took enough psychology courses in college to realize this.

“In 1996, more than 740 noncitizens voted in a controversial California congressional race. Similarly, in 2005 the Utah legislative auditor said more than 58,000 illegal immigrants had Utah driver’s licenses and that almost 400 of them used their licenses to register to vote,” Writes Times Writer’s Group contributor Barbara Banaian. So clearly, maintaining that a viewed driver’s license by a precinct’s election volunteer should be one’s ticket to vote is not enough. Besides, I have voted, those who volunteer at election precincts are more like Barney Fife than Joe Friday, and I would not count on their judgment or authority to prohibit voter fraud.

Check this out: If we cannot keep American citizens from election fraud, then how in the world will we keep immigrants from following suit. See the November 2, 2006 article by Jared Jordal, “Watch for DFL Election Fraud,” contained in the same voter fraud site I included immediately below. A man set up shop outside of a Minnetonka, MN polling site on election day 2006 with a table fitted with a “” banner. He also had a “thermos of hot cider and a sleeve of Styrofoam cups.” An election volunteer inside, when informed of this intrusion, was not fully aware of the nuances surrounding the ‘100-foot rule,’ (that demonstrations or displays of partisanship are not permitted within 100 feet of a polling area). Are we unable to envision tactics at least as sinister performed a decade down the road by immigrants who may be made citizens by then with a federal amnesty bill? See the YouTube video from last time. Whether is a liberal, conservative or Independent activist website is not the issue. Campaigning for anything or anyone within 100 feet of a polling site is illegal, even if the only species likely to be influenced by such activity is a cicada larvae that recently buried itself in the maple tree sapling it won’t unhinge itself from the roots of for 17 years.

Predictable democrats: Not surprisingly, democrats, at least some that tend to vote for transportation tax increases, (per the 2008 MN Transportation Bill that was pushed through in February 2008 to the disgust of the voters) have a problem with requiring an ID to vote, as only three supported such a measure. (** I wonder why democrats would vote against such a move that might make voter fraud of any kind, a bit more difficult. It couldn’t be because democrats stand to benefit by having immigrants vote for them in elections . . . “Hispanics Turning Back to Democrats for 2008,” by Susan Page of USA Today, from June 27, 2007- ( The article tells of the “40% of the voters in the nation’s largest and fastest-growing minority group backed Bush, double the share of Hispanics who had supported Republican Bob Dole eight years earlier.” The fact that immigrants would favor and enlist the aid of a democrat in their battle to subvert the law is not that surprising. Last column, I provided the link to the Associated Press article concerning McCain’s concern about the republican party’s apparent alienation of illegal immigrants because of many of the republican’s harsh words and lack of interest in placating immigrants. To wit- “One big factor behind the flight from the GOP: a heated debate over immigration in which congressional Republicans’ remarks on illegal immigrants have offended many Hispanic voters.” Most republicans are against amnesty and most democrats are for it. A “USA Today/Gallup Poll indicates that Hispanics, by nearly 3 to 1, say they’re Democrats or lean that way.” Hispanics are the demographic group that most strongly favors Hillary Clinton in “Nevada, Florida, California and other states with large Hispanic populations.” Therefore, we can clearly blame democrats for the fact that our country is being overrun. Does anyone even know how many immigrants we need to pick lettuce or strawberries, flip burgers at McDonalds, sex chickens, process meat, or clean hotel rooms, etc? Maybe we should figure that out?

Further, predicting the democrats the winners: tells of the likelihood of Hispanics choosing democrats over republicans based on about any poll question anyone could devise. Latinos are voting for republicans in fewer and fewer numbers in each subsequent election from 2000 to date (including the mid-term elections which saw the complete ouster of the republicans from the house of representatives, perhaps because of reasons I have already identified). Soon enough republicans will be forced to back an amnesty bill or continue to lose the largest growing voting demographic to the democrats by wider and wider margins each election. We are being overrun- there is no other way to put it. The article states, “By election day, [2006] the tone of the immigration debate conducted during the summer prior to the election had reinforced Latino’s motivation to vote and it influenced their choice of candidates.” The tone consisted of the 109th Congress too often [choosing] partisan paralysis over governance through compromise.” Again, the democrats were largely in favor of allowing amnesty and the republicans largely against it. Who might the immigrants vote for, the democrats attempting to keep them here or the republicans who want to throw them out?

Votes of the dead: The steward of the mngop site tends to believe that “you could be using the name of a dead person, and never be asked to show ID to vote.” Such a concern is not that far-fetched. Scroll further down in the text in the link and this story title will be found- “Valley’s Dead Cast Their Votes” with a subtitle that reads- “Statewide Database of Registered Voters has Potential for Errors and Fraud” by John Ferro, Poughkeepsie Journal. This newspaper, the oldest in New York state, offered text that read like this on Sunday, October 29, 2006: “The new statewide database of registered voters contains as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and as many as 2,600 of them have cast votes from the grave.”

“Bring out your dead”: . . . is a line from Monty Python. Immigrants and dust mites everywhere probably think that Monty Python is a snake species, or a snake that strips for money (think of the 1997 British film- “The Full Monty”). I know, I should not be so informal and elusive with the language. But I just learned on “ Design on a Dime” a show on HGTV, that it is ok to mix metallic finishes . . . so I feel brave in writing things that no one will understand. In re-reading the “Valley’s Dead” article again, I have found that Mr. John Ferro would make a good fiction writer, as his article is not dissimilar to Nikolai Gogol’s “Dead Souls” a story about a stranger who visits a small town to acquire the property that the middle class is still paying taxes on- their deceased serfs (i.e. Dead Souls). Ferro’s headline contained the word “potential” and much of the text sets up a theory that if the voter rolls are not crosschecked against the list of the deceased from the recent past then plenty of dead people may in fact continue to vote if an immigrant, or anyone for that matter, “borrowed” a dead person’s social security number. Impossible you say- no one would ever attempt to acquire a social security number from a dead person for the purposes of voting. A woman willingly remained on a toilet for so long (two years) that she remained affixed to it until hospital employees removed it; a lemur species can hear insect movements 12 feet below ground. Certain pieces of information are difficult to believe. Gogol’s Chichikov wanted to amass a sizeable portion of property/dead souls though he would be taxed on them, given the infrequent censuses taken during that time in Russia, so that he could appear as an up-and-coming man about town, someone to be held in high esteem by the townspeople, given his owned property. Ferro supposes that because people have died and their names remain on the voting ledgers, the possibility exists for them to cast votes, though they are dead.***

“I wanna be rich”: So, if the notion of anyone stealing the social security number of a dead person so that they could illegally cast a vote strikes you as fictitous then how about an immigrant “borrowing” the social security number of a living child? The article- “Immigrants Stealing U.S. Social Security Numbers for Jobs, Not Profits,” by John Leland (September 7, 2006 tells just such a story. One young girl’s social security number, issued by the U.S. government, was on their files for two credit cards and two auto loans. Identity theft for the purposes of bilking a person of their financial resources, and severely damaging the victim’s credit rating is one thing, but stealing a child’s identity to acquire a job is at least as bad. I found this sentence amusing: “ ‘It’s clear that it is a different intent or purpose [getting a job] than trying to get someone’s MasterCard and charge it up.’ ” Jose Tinoco had “two credit cards and two auto loans, with an outstanding balance of more than $25,000.” I wonder what charging up a credit card means in her world. In addition, how does an illegal immigrant, who had to steal a social security number, get approved for two car loans for a total of $25,000? No wonder they keep coming- we are not bright enough to keep them out, get them out, or stop them from being criminals once here. I mentioned at the very beginning of this blog topic, in May of 2007, that the issue that would bring down this country is less about race than it is about money. Soon enough, hundreds of millions of illegals will be made legal, and will be involved in the rat race of wishing to acquire more and desiring to work less- just like so many Americans. Soon enough- current illegal immigrants, or their direct descendents will be allies of middle class Americans and not enemies. The illegals will realize that you have to be filthy rich elitists or politicians to control the country. Exactly how big a hit was the Mexican version of the Calloway song that heads this paragraph?

The story of the stealing of social security numbers for jobs also relates the following:
“one of the most common forms in the United States involves illegal immigrants using fraudulent Social Security numbers to conduct their daily lives.” And we shouldn’t build walls, spend billions on surveillance equipment, employ thousands of border patrol agents, or deport illegals for misdemeanors, or deport them period?

2) The practice of Social Security number theft “provides the backbone of some low-wage businesses and a boon to the Social Security trust fund.” Social Security is something we continue to hear we will never draw from, and that by the time we might expect to, the democrats will have house and senate bills coursing through congress demanding that immigrants receive full social security benefits- so how does their paying into it benefit Americans when there are 12-20+ illegals, and 850,000 illegals coming every year since 2000? I have retirement accounts, so knowing that illegals contribute to social security is not all that comforting to me, when one considers the drain that that many more people will have on the country. (See part 25 coming up.)

3) The father of the little girl from the article above is reported to have asked his wife: “ ‘Don’t you feel bad, you’ve ruined this guy’s life?’ ” Three words- dem-o-crat.

4) “During the 1990s, such mismatches accounted for about $20 billion in Social Security taxes paid.” The IRS and the remainder of the federal government do not care. Why would they? They have single-bid military defense contractors to pay off (see part 9). You cannot possibly think that all money which is paid into the social security general fund will cause the government to relax its stance on taxation.

5) “The Federal Trade Commission, which estimates that 10 million Americans have their identities stolen each year, does not distinguish between people who steal Social Security numbers so they can work and those who are out to steal money.” Perhaps they should. Just a thought. Nader proposes that the federal government should track white collar crime financial losses as well as violent or street crime, and along the same line- we should be tracking identity theft from multiple angles. But I don't imagine the government will do so- to quote Wayne Campbell- "and monkeys might fly out of my butt;" perhaps a lemur or two among them.

6) “Illegal immigrants make up nearly one of every 20 workers in the United States, according to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, and most are working under fraudulent Social Security numbers, which can be bought in any immigrant community or in Mexico.” And, you think those that are selling the numbers are diligently differentiating between three year old girls and someone’s grandmother who died four years ago?

7) Mrs. Lybbert, the mother of the young girl from the story “estimated that for four or five months she spent 30 hours or more a week making telephone calls, feeling passed from one agency or voice-mail system to another.” I’ve had to contend with fraudulent credit card charges, twice had to get new numbers, spent months before and after a trip to Europe trying to reverse the charges on two separate three way calls involving me, my credit card company, and the travel agency which accepted my number under another person’s name.

8) “a Government Accountability Office study found that employers with the most mismatches [of Social Security number to illegal immigrant] were concentrated in industries that hire a lot of illegal immigrants, including agriculture, construction and food services.” Reaaaaaaally? My 18-month-old daughter could have told you that and she is busy learning how to ask for more spaghettios and trying to avoid falling off the couch she just taught herself to scale.

9) There is only one thing more offensive in this story than this next item and that one is best left to the context of illegal immigration’s affect on the health industry. So, the second worst piece of information in the identity theft story is, a Princeton professor of sociology who studies Mexican migration saying about the taxes that illegal immigrants pay to the government: “ ‘It’s basically a subsidy from migrant workers to the aggregate of American taxpayers.’ ” Does this guy think that an American’s taxes will go down because the federal government has come to count on illegal immigrant tax money? Not when most members of congress decided to vote down extending the Bush tax cuts, that never really benefited the middle class much to begin with- (Andrew Taylor, Associated Press, March 14, 2008). The feds will just find some Air Force bus to waste our money on, or spend hundreds of millions on swimming pools in Iraq (see part 9), or more on “a fleet of state-of-the-art Marine One helicopters, see Peter Baker’s article, March 16, 2008 ( or continue to give Medicare money to an unmarried twenty-year-old pregnant with her third child from three different fathers, still claiming she has back trouble from a car accident she may have been involved in with an illegal who didn’t have any insurance, who perhaps enjoys driving vans into buses. But I digress.

*A coyote is also a famous anthropomorphic member of the trickster genre of southwestern literature and stories- "who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and norms of behaviour." This is mindful of what a coyote (i.e. smuggler of immigrants) is doing by assisting illegals in breaking United States' law. My analogy really has come full circle. Now, if I could just find a way to work in a rhyming couplet (peyote, coyote) about illegals and their suspected involvement with a guy named Moses . . . I would really have something.

** Many many interesting pieces of information relative to voter fraud, immigrant-voting fraud, and the democrats who stand to benefit politically by remaining stubbornly prostrate on the issue, are contained in this link. I cannot imagine that all precincts in each state in the country are as diligent about tracking the votes of potentially deceased citizens as some of the summaries of tracking failures described in the link. Just as state laws override the overall welfare of a country of citizens as it concerns immigration policy proper, I cannot imagine that each state, county, or precinct performs like-minded double-checks to ensure that our election results have not been compromised. In addition, if a movement of racists is set upon keeping immigrants from voting, when they have the right to, then perhaps we should check the identification and residential status of the peerless. I have found that there are a certain percentage of people who fight so diligently for a cause, whose vices may run in concert with their virtues. Consider Eliot Spitzer, governor of New York, who fought corruption, and who was known as Mr. Clean, before recently being linked in a prostitution ring. A man’s guilty conscience finds an avenue of action that limits his ability to punish himself. He instead pursues the justice his own conscience wants him to embrace, but he spends his putative zeal on others whose actions reflect his own impropriety.

*** Ferro does write that “records of votes by the dead are the result of bookkeeping errors and do not result in the casting of extra ballots.” Ferro even quotes the chief information officer for the state Board of Elections who emailed to Ferro “ ‘Of course we are concerned about people voting if they are dead.’ ” Perhaps we can get a biological scientist to exhume the bodies of the dead, and drill into their teeth to find out if they really are dead or somehow can determine if the exhumed corpse has voted since its burial. Or better yet, perhaps that lemur species, which can hear insect movement twelve feet underground, can partner with the biological scientists and be trained to inform them if there has been corpse vitality so that we might avoid many unnecessary exhumations. Such is the nature of politics and government in this country- that the likelihood of a lemur assisted exhumation is greater than the IRS, and the other more able-bodied federal government agencies, finding,**** massive numbers of illegals who are in every definition of the word- “costing” Americans. That is some kind of monkey business.

**** Not often will you find a footnote to a footnote, but here goes. I believe that “finding” illegals isn’t quite the problem, as the story connected with this link can attest: The story’s title- “Illegal Immigrants Being Caught and Released” tells of the state trooper endorsed apathy concerning the issue of law enforcement’s ability to catch immigrants. Unless law enforcement officers catch “at least 10 illegal immigrants at a time to peak the interest of the federal authorities,” there just is not going to be a lot of do-gooder zeal. It seems- “two men were pulled over for speeding and admit to the state trooper they are here illegally. The trooper radios federal authorities—who refuse to take the men into custody.” Did the illegals have insurance, were they on their way to the emergency room, were they holding a lemur captive who had been reading up on biblical lore, at night, contracting cancer, looking for liturgical loopholes that might clear Moses from all psychadelic indulgences?

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