Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dory and Election Results

I know this is a week late, but I just got this blog set up yesterday. If the reverse psychology failed no one will be reading this anyway.

Political Dependency: At any rate, as Americans we should once again be disgusted with the political process. Democrats and Republicans get to believe that negative attack ads still work; there are still polls conducted by Dem. and Rep. think tanks that help influence hunyuck voters; and some intelligent voters were drawn to one side or the other because of the shiny objects the right and left dangled in front of our eyes- that came in the form of promises such as not raising taxes or the desire to remove troops from Iraq. Remember Dory from the "Finding Nemo" movie of a couple years ago? She was a fish attracted to shiny objects with a short memory. In short, the establishment politicians are smirking their way to elected office- and we are negotiating a current of jellyfish in the vain hope of keeping ourselves from getting stung. I'd use a sheep analogy here, but the fish metaphor seems to be working quite well.

Vote No for the Status Quo: Seriously people- a muskie is brighter than we are- I think it is a muskie- an intelligent fish, native to Minnesota- respected by anglers. People who voted for one side or the other, again neglecting the middle, that had the noble, protest-vote-idea of voting for Independent candidates, should feel like a bull racing towards the red cloak . . . and we know how that usually turns out. If you don't know- you should read a Hemingway novel. Ah, and we would be the bull- yeah, I'm going there- being led by the horns. A co-worker of mine will call these metaphors vapid and say my entire offering here is a combination of non sequiturs. My response- just because you don't believe in the ability of the language to stir a person's emotions and you don't agree with me doesn't mean there is a logical fallacy being propounded. The fallacy is that anything will change when you vote to keep the status quo parties in power.

Our Independence: Independent voters- anyone tell you your vote was wasted because you considered voting for a candidate running for office that was not an electible republican or democrat? Were you foolish enough to believe them? You ever hear of arguing, fighting, voting for a cause based on principle- ever hear of William Wallace- a Scottish militant executed for treason by a King of England who was not his king. Yes, this is what I do, I say alarming things that I believe and that others find offensive- and I choose not to care- because I'm right!

Short-Term memory: Oligarchy folks- the rule of the many by the entitled few. I include conservative talk show hosts like Bob Davis on (Minnesota's) AM 1500 who talk over people and liberal columnists like Lori Sturdevant from the Minneapolis Star Tribune whose short-sightedness won't allow her to be objective as advocates of same old, same old politics, who think a vote for a third party is a wasted vote. All we foster at election time is politics as usual if you keep putting the same types of people into office- career politicians who pander to you, who lie about voting records, who give half-truths to get elected and take money from corporations and interest groups on whose behalf they will vote once elected. So we vote for "change" . . . the same "change" we voted for last time- the same thing we have now. Once again we were duped and the sad thing is we'll do it again, because four years from now we won't remember that nothing has changed. Even Dory has a better memory than that.


Shaun said...

All the elections are is a bunch of thoughtless banter towards each candidate. Don't vote this person because they drink beer in green bottles.....GREEN BOTTLES! Don't vote for that person because they were caught buying sexy under garments at Victoria Secrets....OH MY GOD (or should I say conscience?)...HIS WIFE WEARS A THONG! And you're right. In four years we'll more then likely be in the same spot we are today.

Unknown said...

You're not right; you just think you are right. How about I am independent and choose to vote for whom ever I want. Whether it be Republican, Democrat, Independent (Now that they made a party out of it, I can't even say I am an independent voter anymore), or whether I choose to vote grass roots or for the Walleye. Just so long as I cast a vote, it doesn't matter. It is those that do not vote that do not have a say about anyone that takes office. If someone complains about how a politician is running their office, and I find out they didn’t vote, then I don’t give a damn what they have to say and won’t listen. So does that make me wrong because I don’t vote along strict party lines, like Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc.? At least I cast a vote, whether it is different than yours or anyone else’s, does not make me wrong for voting my way. You see, that is my GOD given right And my country has also given me that right also.

janusheels3 said...

Nope- I'm right- the contents were directed at those who suppose themselves to be independent voters. You party line people are lost causes, pawns, fodder, you are the chess pieces sacrificed so that the game can be ultimately won. And don't forget- there was morality long before man created god.

Unknown said...

So, since I don't vote for your party, the actual Independant party, then I am fodder? Although I vote for who I think the right person is, not the party itself. And since you do vote the party line, the Independant party line, then you are the sacrificial chess peice?

janusheels3 said...

peter piper- I think all that time spent in front of the industrial-sized grill you sear animal flesh on is affecting your brain. You aren't attempting to change anything in a country that drastically needs a change. Perhaps I offended you when I called you a pawn, so I shall change my mind- you are a sheep- you just follow the crowd of docile-natured livestock to the polls.